Event details
- Monday | 21/03/2022
- 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Dear Friends, our next of virtual (Zoom) event called “Cuppa and Chat” will be held on Monday, 21st March from 8pm to 9.30pm.
These are informal meetings, with plenty of time to chat. Everyone can come along and ask us about Littleway – who we are and what we do and we will do our very best to answer!
If you just want to have a chat on any subject – join us too. You will be most welcome.
We plan to have these meeting regularly – in addition to the regular Praise and Prayer and Evenings of Healing. Please check our calendar for the next events.
We welcome everyone to join us for a blessed evening – this is a public event, so please feel free to forward this invitation to friends and family – all are welcome!
Please use the Zoom joining instructions below for every event – if you are unable to connect via computer, you can still join by telephone, all details below.
Zoom meeting details:
Topic: “Cuppa and Chat” (Littleway)
Time: 20:00-21:30 London time
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87621814161
Meeting ID: 876 2181 4161
Password: 967652
Please use any of the following numbers if you wish to join by phone:
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom
+44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom
+44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom
(+44 only needed if dialling from outside UK, otherwise prefix by 0)
Note: to join the meeting by phone, you will need to enter the Meeting ID 876 2181 4161 followed by a # – and then the password 967652 followed by a #
Should you need any further information then please contact our administrator Richard: administrator@littlewayhealingministries.com