We have realised, over the years, that some people have not witnessed the healing power of Jesus. We want them to experience the fact that Jesus is alive and is healing today.
To find out more, please email Jane Burton, our Parish Healing Mission Coordinator: parishmission@littlewayhealingministries.com
Brief Outline of a Parish Healing Mission:
The Team arrives on the Thursday afternoon prior to the healing evening, which is open to all, and commences at 7.30pm.
The following day, Friday, parishioners have the opportunity to receive individual Healing of Memories prayer from the Team.
There is an open day of healing and prayer on Saturday for everyone – friends, people from any church or non-believers.
After the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses there is an opportunity for people to come and receive a short prayer with team members.
Some parishioners join our team to offer the prayer. The expectation is to leave a legacy by which parishioners will have the confidence to offer prayer for healing on a regular basis after Sunday Masses.
Throughout the mission we encourage those who received a prayer to give witness to others. People are amazed when they hear the testimonies of their own parishioners regarding the healing that they have experienced during the weekend.