hands over a holy book

Submit a Prayer Request here: prayer@littlewayhealingministries.com

Our team will be happy to pray for your intentions.

Alternatively you can call us on +44 (0) 7936 269 143.

If we are not able to respond to your call, please leave a message with your contact details and a team member will get back to you.

We invite you to let us know what the Lord has done in response to the prayer, as this gives glory to God.

Healing of Memories Prayer:

If you would like to receive Healing of Memories Prayer please call us on +44 (0) 7936 269 143.

If we are not able to respond to your call, please leave a message with your contact details and a team member will get back to you.

We will put you in touch with members of the Team living in your area and they will contact you to arrange a convenient appointment. However, it may mean that you might need to travel.

person looking at old photograph

You are also welcome to attend a Healing Event where there would be an opportunity to receive prayer ministry, or you can attend a Healing of Memories Foundation Course.