Rev. Tony Schmitz

I was married to Gail fifty six years ago. We have three sons, five grandsons and two granddaughters – and still counting! Gail went to God on October 4th 2021. 


Born in The Hague, Netherlands, and brought up in what was Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, we have lived in Aberdeen since 1970. 


Ordained a deacon in the diocese of Aberdeen in July 2002, I serve at St Mary’s Cathedral. 


Prior to ordination, I worked for thirty years in academic publishing and book selling, firstly in Africa and then for Oxford University Press and Blackwells of Oxford.


At the end of May 2023, I retired as director of studies for the Bishop of Scotland Diaconate Commission and now work as secretarial assistant to my bishop. 


At Easter 2010 I attended the Littleway Foundation Course. Immediately impressed by the authenticity of what I saw and heard, I received healing myself, to which I have testified elsewhere.


Invited to join the Council of Littleway in December 2010, I became its Chair, as of New Spring Trust which was set up the following year.