GR attended the Little Way Healing of Memories course and writes:
After many years of being prayed for by priests (including known exorcists) both here in the UK and in Croatia and Slovenia, I thought that I had received the Inner Healing that everybody was telling me that I so desperately needed. I initially had no interest in receiving prayers for the healing of memories as I believed that I had received my healing from the Lord.
Now, I converted to Catholicism in my late twenties and I believed that I had addressed my exceedingly troubled past and forgiven the people that had hurt me. Following a recommendation from a friend I attended a Little Way Healing Ministries Outreach Day with my wife and experienced a move of the Lord that opened my mind to the power that our memories can have over us.
Both my wife and I wanted to know more about the healing of memories. This led us to invite the Little Way Healing Ministries team to our Parish for a healing weekend about six months later. During this weekend I witnessed many people whom I regularly attend Mass with come forward and receive prayer and express their emotions in a way that I couldn’t. On the Friday of this visit I had arranged to have personal prayer but still felt that the memories of the past weren’t an issue that needed to be dealt with but I would be polite anyway.
During a very gentle chat I was surprised when a memory I had forgotten about surfaced and came clearly back to me. Following on from the prayer I felt such a powerful release; it was like my eyes had been opened to the fact that for years I had suppressed and buried my pain so deeply that it had shut my life down. This healing of memories prayer had shown me that Jesus was with me at all times during my suffering and had never left me as I had thought he had for many years.
The fear had gone and I felt truly alive for the first time in years. Later that weekend I gave my full testimony to over 300 people across all the Masses and spoke freely and calmly about my pain, hurts and healing…… Praise the Lord as before this I had an almost crippling fear of any type of public speaking.
Three months after this I attended a Healing of Memories course which changed my life forever. During this week I again received prayer several times and on each occasion was led by Jesus to the place of forgiveness which I had previously thought impossible or had simply not acknowledged as important. As each day of the course passed I felt myself become free and spiritually stronger in Christ.
Through prayer the strongholds that my grandparents and parents had over me were identified and addressed and I was released from them by the love and mercy of Jesus. I didn’t realise just how deep some of these memories were, particularly those with my grandmother who practised the occult.
Fearful memories of a time when I was a small child witnessing tarot card and palm reading along with tea leaves were banished as Jesus and our Beloved Mother entered the memory and removed all fear. I believe that the Lord has commissioned me to go out and live the life that he created me to live; to minister and to spread the Gospel and the love and mercy that he has for each one of his children.
Looking back I can’t believe how much my life has changed in a little over a year since that Outreach day in Southampton. Through the Littleway Healing Ministries and the healing of memories the Lord has freed me from my burdens and set me free on a path to live my life in his presence. From being scared of people, places and situations I am now an active member of our parish and prayer group and find myself ministering and praying for others.
People around me have noticed a dramatic change in my life and personality and tell me that I am more confident and outgoing. I believe I am a much nicer person to be around these days as opposed to the person who fought to keep people away from him in case they hurt me. My marriage and relationship with my wife is also now stronger than it has ever been as it had suffered for years as I tried to hide and run from my past.
God created us to live life abundantly to the full so that our cup overflows. At the time of writing this testimony I am 40 years old and that’s just what I intend to do giving glory to God every step of the way.
Praise the Lord..