JH attended a Little Way Healing of Memories course and writes:
“Before the course, even when thinking about childhood memories I used to feel physical pain in my chest. In one of the prayer sessions, I revisited a memory of abandonment and the anxiety of separation from my mother.
“But unexpectedly, in another prayer session, another memory came to me.” It was about my grandmother, who also rejected me and didn’t want to keep me, look after or nurture me. I felt alone, abandoned, orphaned and rejected, with no-one taking ownership of looking after me in a loving way. I was a burden and a ‘bad thing’, full of shame and guilt.”
“When, during the prayer, I was encouraged to invite Jesus into these memories, He flooded the room with a light and warmth that seemed to absorb me and enfold me completely. Bathed in that light I snuggled close to the fatherly figure of Jesus. In the picture I saw myself as a child of four years of age and I snuggled in, right under His arm in that safe and secure love He emanated. Then I saw Jesus as a child, the same age as me, my brother, and someone who was close to me and held onto me securely when I was feeling unwanted and uncared for; we couldn’t be separated and He went everywhere with me.”
“The surprise came later in the prayer about my grandmother. I had been unwanted by her and rejected. I realised she had not wanted to come to ask my forgiveness in my healing of memory prayer. This blockage was prayed over and a spirit of ‘juju’ witchcraft emerged.”
“I coughed and shouted and purged the ball of anxiety, fear and guilt out of my chest. I had no idea of this lingering within me. After a while I was left with the light and presence of Jesus glowing all around me, filling in all the empty spaces, all the dark places. That light enfolded me and permeated me. Afterwards, the others praying with me said they could see this lightness on my face.”
“I felt Jesus’s presence flow through me and continue to flow for some time. I felt a lightness around my head and a lightness in my head and body. I thank Jesus for His life and ministering to me, making me feel so wanted, loved, cared for and significant.”