JS attended a Little Way Healing of Memories course and writes:
“When I arrived at the course I was an emotional mess. There had been many emotionally traumatic events in my life which had made me feel inadequate. I feared separation of any sort, and my trust in men had been destroyed.”
“I have a family whom I love very much but the effect on me of my early years has affected them. When I received the healing prayer for my earliest memory, which I felt was insignificant, it brought me to the root of my emotional mess.”
“My mother had left me in the care of my aunt when I was five-and-a-half years old while she had my brother. I loved it at my aunt and uncle’s and didn’t want to go home because I was in a happy family unit there. For various reasons my mother had to be away from home and eventually left when I was 13.”
“My needs were not met by my mother or my father, and I lost any feeling of trust. During the prayer, I was able to release anger at my parents and eventually was able to want to forgive them. Although this may seem a very small event I could never before this find ‘love’ or emotional bonding.”
“My parents never told me that they loved me and this had terrible consequences for all my relationships. I never felt good enough for anybody. I didn’t believe that anyone could love me. After prayer for healing of memories I was much calmer and by the end of the week I could speak without crying, and felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from me.”
“Other huge memories have also been healed and I no longer feel a victim, who has to please everybody. I feel more in control of my emotions, and I praise and thank God for what He has done. I can move on and feel that I can begin to trust people and myself.”