Marc attended a Little Way Healing of Memories course and writes:
“One of the many things I am grateful for is that the healing of memories prayer on the course showed me that Jesus and His Mother were very happy that I was born. I never felt wanted and felt intense rejection all my life.”
“I had believed that it was my fault that I was unloved and unwanted, that there was something wrong with me. Seeing, in my imagination, Jesus and Mary at my birth during the prayer was extraordinary. I was able to express my anger at them for all the pain of rejection, and eventually to offer forgiveness to those who had caused my pain.”
“It is so healing to express what I felt deep down. I feel more whole as a person and more single-minded. I am so grateful for a new relationship with our Blessed Mother, Mary. Jesus knows me and my love for Him but I spent years ignoring Mary and her love for me. I know that she has, with Jesus, been instrumental in my healing.”
“Thank you, Mary, from the bottom of my heart for loving me.”