I am not alone out there struggling

Charles attended a Little Way Healing of Memories course and writes: During the week I experienced real healing. My focus was turned from being inward-looking and self-centred to an awareness that I was not alone out there struggling. I began to accept that there was hope for me to get...

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God’s healing power is working in me

MW attended a Little Way Healing of Memories course and writes: “This course proved to be a lovely and fruitful time for me. After receiving prayer for healing of memories I felt refreshed and renewed, as well as feeling relief and joy.” “The cutting of negative ties during the prayer...

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Emotional and physical healing

After attending a LWHM course Gill writes: “I arrived on the course feeling stressed, over-tired and anxious, feeling that I was battling alone against bullets from all sides. Being with the group was so very healing. I was challenged to trust people once more and to drop my guard. During...

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Free in a way never previously known

Prisca writes: “Before coming to receive this prayer, there were many difficulties in my family relationships and relationships with others. After a conversation with someone from this ministry at the New Dawn Conference, I realised that one of the people who had been extremely cruel to me as a child...

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God heals when the right time…

Fr. Radek writes after attending a Healing of Memories Teaching Course: ‘I am a Catholic priest. I had received ‘Healing of Memories’ prayer at least six times before 2013 but did not feel the need for any inner healing because God’s healing grace had touched me twice in the past....

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The bond with Jesus strengthened after chronic headaches and feelings of rejection and abandonment were healed.

Bryan was not aware of anything that specifically needed to be healed before he received Healing of Memories prayer, but he says: “The prayer uncovered rejection, abandonment and loyalty problems throughout my life. There were deep emotions from early events in my life that I didn’t realise existed.” During the...

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Strongholds Broken

GR attended the Little Way Healing of Memories course and writes: After many years of being prayed for by priests (including known exorcists) both here in the UK and in Croatia and Slovenia, I thought that I had received the Inner Healing that everybody was telling me that I so...

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